Sunday, December 26, 2010

Happy Boxing Day!!

Happy Boxing Day everyone! I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with your families. We certainly did. I wanted to share this photo with all of you. Ben has gotten more and more agile with his walker over the last few months. He likes to "jump" where he lifts his feet off the floor by using his arms on the walker. Well...this has now escalated to him lifting himself up onto his walker so that he can now sit on the back of it. He figured this out at our annual Christmas Eve party with my cousin Scott egging him on. And then of course, my cousin would push him around while he was sitting on the back of it. It was truly fantastic! All of Ben's cousins wanted a walker too so they could be as cool as Ben.
It was truly a magical night. It was the first time that most of my extended family saw Ben as a true 3-year-old...upright and walking. Instead of sitting and crawling. It was really crowded and he wasn't able to use his walker the whole evening but for the parts of it when he could, it really paid off.
We are awaiting a major snowstorn here in New Brunswick, Canada...supposed to arrive overnight. Lots of the white stuff (yeah!) and wind too. So we won't be going anywhere more time playing with all our new toys that we got from Santa.
If the weather if affecting any of you out there, please don't go out on those roads. Stay home with your families where it's safe.
Happy Boxing Day!


  1. Wow Cary! Look at Ben, that is probably great for arm and core strength too, wouldn't you say?

  2. Hey Mama, I am heart glad you got to see folks seeing your son as a boy, and not a boy with a problem. I bet that was the best present you got. I think I blogged about how pleased I was when my duaghter pressed an alarm bell in an elevator, for what it meant to be a two year old and not a two year old with CP. I still sort of cheer when she bests her big sister in a fight, even though I shouldn't. Your photo shoot in the post below is lovely - and again, if you really look that glamourous I'm afraid you might not be my IRL friend! Stay warm and dry and I look forward to all of us getting back to blogging and sharing - I've missed it in the busy weeks leading up to Christmas. Joy to you and yours, Caryanne! Love, Virginia

  3. Lauren saw a child with a walker and said that we need to get one for Jillian. ;) Thankfully, our new PT at Bloorview is hoping to get us started with a walker and forgoing the stander since Jillian is intent on walking!!
    What a great picture! So glad you had a great Christmas!!

  4. I've always wanted to celebrate Boxing Day!
    I use to do the same thing with my walker, but no one would push me around while I was sitting on it :( He's going to have massive arm muscles soon enough.
