Thursday, May 27, 2010

Family Photo Shoot

When we were in Florida, we had a professional photographer do a family photo session for us. I'm not sure how I originally thought of it, but it turned out to be a great idea to have our family photos done while on holiday. Plus...what a great way to capture the memories of that great time we had on our very first family holiday together.

Here's the link to the slideshow of our photo shoot. The password is cb050710 if you are interested in taking a look. The photos ended up being absolutely amazing...even though I thought the boys were a bit difficult and was actually a bit worried that we didn't get much of use.

The slideshow will only work for the next 7 days.

P.S. The other woman in the shots with the boys is our nanny. We like to include her when we get professional photos done since we consider her to be part of the family.