Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mostly Wordless Wednesday

For this week's edition of Mostly Wordless Wednesday, I bring you a photo of Ben from July 2009...a whole year ago. It's hard to believe that at this point last year, he was just learning to 4-point crawl. He wouldn't do it much at home, but always would do it when outside...especially at the beach. So we spent a lot of time last summer out on the grass or at the beach!


  1. Isn't that crazy?!? I know just what you mean, we only got crawling in March and now she walks and rides horses. Amazing! Did you read "Wren" when you were a chld, about a little girl with CP? I am so glad we have the knowledge of how to help our kids that we have now (and a little jealous too, of the future parents). Well done, Ben!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. oops! pressing all of the wrong buttons over here and i just deleted my comment. sheesh. this is an adorable picture!

    wanted to let you know i sent you a virtual "bag" over on my blog as part of elmer's "bag it forward" program. neat!

    amy @ micropreemie mommy

  4. Adorable and from then until now, isn't it amazing what they accomplish?!
