Friday, September 18, 2009

Two years ago

Two years ago:

I had yet to meet my sons.

I was yet to be a mother.

I didn't know that Daniel would be my scamp and Ben my heartbreaker.

I didn't know that they would both have blue eyes.

I thought I would never be thin again.

I had no comprehension of what sleep-deprivation truly is.

I didn't really know what Cerebral Palsy was.

I had never experienced the joy of hearing a child call me "mama".

I didn't know that Daniel would love tomatoes and Ben would love "neigh-neighs".

I swore I would never "sleep-train" my child.

I didn't know what an amazing father my husband would turn out to be.

I couldn't imagine how sleeping til 8am could be considered "sleeping in".

I didn't know that Daniel would call Ben "Den" and that Ben would call Daniel "D".

I had no idea that the first year of their lives was going to be the hardest one of mine.

I didn't know that they would spend the first 8 weeks of their lives in hospital and not at home with us.

I didn't know that they wouold make me laugh so much.

I had no idea what worry really was.

I would never have thought that my Ben would have to work so hard but would be so amazing.

And lastly, I had no idea that in less than 24 hours I was going to meet my darling boys and be changed forever.


  1. This is a lovely post. Happy Birthday to the boys!


  2. awwww. happy birthday daniel and ben!

  3. It's amazing how much we change in this parenthood journey. Congratulations on 2 years!!!
